Thank you Lucie for your excellent article.
I was hoping to build on something you wrote already in your first paragraph: "When we create tools and solutions that address the limitations and challenges of our fellow humans .. we’re in part motivated by a desire to care for others."
In his article Explaining Agile Steve Denning discusses his 2nd law of agile which is the law of the customer. He makes the point that there needs to be a direct line og sight between the team and the customer (
We tested this in some of our own teams: creating a direct link between what the team is doing and what is valuable to the customer. So not using engagement metrics to show the team it’s performance, but designing for and measuring value to the customer.
What happened to those teams? Well, exactly what you are pointing to: the motivation in those teams were completely different (much higher, they cared much more about their work) compared to the teams measuring self-centric metrics (e.g. engagement and sales).
We not only need to design for fellow humans, but do that through creating caring teams that have a direct line of sight to the value of their impact.
Thank you again for your work :)