What is “customer-centric”?
Companies derive value not from selling, but from their customers purchasing. A purchase is driven by motivation. And that motivation is based on the situation surrounding and shaping the need and desired outcome of their customers.

To understand why we are selling today or what we will be selling tomorrow we need to understand what shapes customer demand. This has got very little to do with us, and a lot to do with them (human, culture, society, technology etc.).
I believe nobody needs a product (or a service etc.). What people are looking for is a means to serve a need in a given situation (or a job to be done). There are many ways to serve a need and successful companies offer products, services, information etc. that all serve the customer’s needs through different means. (e.g. an airline will offer a seat on a plane, but also a mobile application to make sure your travels are served in the best way).

An organization’s benefit from understanding the customer’s situation (relationships and influences that leads to motivation and decisions) is their ability to improve their current offering, and discover better and more needs to serve (and recognize where to have the most influence).

I believe organizations are fine-tuned mechanisms and organisms tailored to the needs they have decided to serve. But I also believe organizations can forget why they exist and become focused on what they are (Levitt).
Successful organizations have their customer’s needs at the heart of their business model, they understand the context and the need driving their desired impact. Then strive to influence or design their business from culture and mindset to strategy, technology, data, processes and collaboration to be the best possible to get this done.

They have a strategy, measurements and incentives in place to hold their decisions and actions accountable, to create a connected view of the organization with a clear line-of-sight from their strategies and capabilities to their output, value to the customer and impact to the business.